Benefits Coverage You Need

Zenyo Workforce makes it easy to customize the plan coverages to fit unique needs. With this, you can build a more engaged and satisfied workforce with the right benefits. Offering a customized benefits package is a great way to show your employees that you value them and their well-being.

Benefits coverage
Get All Your Benefits in One Place

The easiest way to manage all your benefits, from medical and dental to vision, reimbursement, retirement, and all major benefits plans. Find the perfect plan for your employees and offer them a wide range of coverage.

Benefits in one place
Plan Expiration Overview

Visualize plan expiration times with a quick glance using vibrant colors to indicate expiring plans and distinct colors for expired plans. Zenyo's benefit management solutions keep your plans on track so that you can renew them on time.

Plan expiration
Use Benefit Groups

By forming benefit groups, you can give your employees the benefits they need and want, simplifying administration.

Benefit groups

Functional Insights for Benefit Management

Choose the perfect benefits mix
Choose the perfect benefits mix

We offer a wide range of benefits plans, or you can create a custom benefit package that's right for your team.

Set it up and rest assured
Set it up and rest assured

You can define eligibility requirements, set the coverage limit in amount or percentage, and enroll. Organize employee groups and ensure they receive the benefits they deserve.

Monitor and make adjustments as needed
Monitor and make adjustments as needed

Monitor whether your benefits packages align with the requirements of your workforce and pinpoint areas for enhancement.

Benefits of Benefits Management

Keep on with confidence
Prevent employee turnover

Zenyo's benefit management solutions help you build a more engaged and satisfied workforce by making it easy to customize benefits packages to each employee's individual needs.

Reduce the risk
Have it all, right here

Consolidation of all your benefits into a single place simplifies management and tracking, saving time and energy while maximizing employee benefit value.

Reduced workload
Benefit segregation

Ease administrative processes by creating benefit groups tailored to job titles, departments, or any specified criteria.

Payment errors
Clear view of plan status

Anticipate renewals and prevent disruptions effortlessly with the plan expiration overview.

Get the benefits
you need, when you need